I am about as far away as a person can get from being a qualified, expert family history researcher. However, while I don’t know it all, it is also true that I don’t know nothing. So, for the benefit of those of you who might be going down this road of trying to resurrect as much detail as you can from the lives and times of your ancestors, I offer 25 tips on a page in the top menu called Genealogy Tips. These little pointers are very general because that is pretty much all I have. My eyes glaze over in the face of the detailed avenues of research a serious genealogist would expect to travel. So read them if you please and if you have anything you think should be added, let me know. I would be glad to put forward your good ideas. So enjoy these tips and check the page now and then. I might have a few new things there from time to time. Good luck.
– Jim