Stamps Gone Wild!

An elderly relative gave us a large sheaf of stamps she doesn’t plan to use. The value of each one on the several sheets she gave us is 30 cents. The last time a letter or card could be mailed for 30 cents in Canada was 1983. The price in 2019 is 90 cents. We wanted to send a couple of Christmas cards to friends in Ireland and a check on the price of stamps for that revealed a price of $2.99 each. So, supply meet demand. On went 10 old stamps on each envelope. Fortunately, there is still room for the complete address to be written. A brush had to be used to moisten the 20 stamps, as licking the first few caused the reluctant licker to feel nauseous. So, to our friends in Ireland who might see this, we know your card looks like it has the measles, but we assure you it is well. Just consider yourself victims of a horrible drive-by stamping.

©2019 Jim Hagarty

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